A beautiful and sustainable alternative to one of the most commonly found plastic
products on beaches. These bamboo cotton swabs consist of a combination of bamboo
and cotton and are therefore completely plastic-free.
What is the importance of bamboo cotton swabs?
Did you know that plastic cotton swabs are among the top 10 most commonly found
plastic products on the beach? They pose a great danger to all animals that they
encounter on their path. By switching to these environmentally friendly cotton swabs,
you prevent a lot of animal suffering.
And even if plastic cotton swabs simply end up in the trash, they still cannot be
recycled. This natural alternative, on the other hand, can simply be disposed of with the
organic waste after use. By switching to bamboo cotton swabs, you also avoid
unnecessary waste.
Sustainable and animal-friendly bamboo
Like many of our products, these cotton swabs are also largely made of bamboo.
Bamboo is incredibly sustainable for several reasons. For example, it is the fastest
growing plant in the world. The type we use, moso bamboo, grows up to one meter per
day under optimal conditions.
In addition, the origin and cycle of a bamboo plant is also very sustainable. It does not
grow from seeds, but from one large root system. By using at least five-year-old
bamboo, the root system remains healthy and intact, and new branches constantly grow
from it.
The most important thing, however, is that we do not pose a threat to the pandas. Their
diet consists of more than 90% bamboo. But fortunately, they prefer to eat the leaves
that grow close to the ground. That is why they do not choose moso bamboo. The
leaves of this species grow too high.